
This poem is one of my favourite peoms. I found it because my teacher showed us hers and it was called My teacher took my ipod.

<p><b>All My Great Excuses</b><br />
by Kenn Nesbitt</p>

<p>I started on my homework<br />
but my pen ran out of ink.<br />
My hamster ate my homework.<br />
My computer’s on the blink.<br />
<br />
I accidentally dropped it<br />
in the soup my mom was cooking.<br />
My brother flushed it down the toilet<br />
when I wasn’t looking.<br />
<br />
My mother ran my homework<br />
through the washer and the dryer.<br />
An airplane crashed into our house.<br />
My homework caught on fire.<br />
<br />
Tornadoes blew my notes away.<br />
Volcanoes struck our town.<br />
My notes were <span title=”Take hostage: To kidnap and hold for ransom.” style=”text-decoration:underline”>taken hostage</span><br />
by an evil killer clown.<br />
<br />
Some aliens <span title=”Abduct: To kidnap.” style=”text-decoration:underline”>abducted</span> me.<br />
I had a shark attack.<br />
A pirate <span title=”Swipe: To steal.” style=”text-decoration:underline”>swiped</span> my homework<br />
and <span title=”Refuse: To say no.” style=”text-decoration:underline”>refused</span> to give it back.<br />
<br />
I worked on these excuses<br />
so darned long my teacher said,<br />
“I think you’ll find it’s easier<br />
to do the work instead.”</p>

<p>Copyright &copy; 2007 Kenn Nesbitt<br />
All Rights Reserved<br />
From <a href=”http://www.poetry4kids.com”>www.poetry4kids.com</a></p>

By Kenn Nesbitt